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Thoughts on D&D 5th Edition

After playing quite a lot of D&D 5e recently, I have found quite a few issues I have with the system. There are a good number of design elements that have consistently caused issues at my tables, and reduced the enjoyment that my players and I got out of it. I don't believe 5e is a "broken system" or anything like that, but it definitely has its weaknesses. Modern D&D (meaning 3e and newer), and many similar systems like Pathfinder, suffer mainly from their massive amount of content and rules that attempt to codify everything, to the point where we begin going back to the simulationist approach that early tabletops struggled with. For D&D, this comes from needing an overhaul every time they want to release a new system, while for Pathfinder it's actually the point of their game design paradigm. Regardless, there is an enormous amount of rules that a group will run into, even within a single session. For some GM's this may not be a problem, though ...

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