
I am a student an experienced tabletop role-playing game player and Dungeon Master (DM). I am a student graduating in December 2018 with a Bachelor's in Computer Science. I have played D&D (since 2e, and a little bit of OD&D), Pathfinder, Paranoia, Warhammer 40k, as well as miscellaneous homebrewed systems. I am currently the DM for two ongoing games, Caverns of Thracia and Midgard.

Caverns of Thracia is an oldschool dungeon, written by Paul Jaquay in 1978, which I have updated to D&D 5e. Not exactly a campaign, Caverns of Thracia is a massive, complex dungeon which intrepid adventurers would come exploring in search of treasure and glory. Compared to the dungeon crawls today, Caverns feels much more "alive" due to the detailed history and design elements that interact with each other and create interesting and unique scenarios every session.

Midgard is a D&D 5e-compatible world made by Kobold Press. It is a unique medieval fantasy world where many real-world mythologies meet and intertwine with fantasy tropes. It contains (modified) D&D 5e races along with vampires, bearfolk, ravenfolk, shadow fey, and many classes features and backgrounds made for its different world. There is already a huge amount of content released for the world, detailing each faction, the major cities, new creatures and magic items, cults, gods, spells, and the complicated world that arises from all these elements.

I will be giving write-ups on each session of each game here, but since I made this blog pretty spontaneously, my players and I are currently in the middle of both of these games. Each game will have its own series of posts over their course, and I have made a post detailed each game's sessions thus far. I will be posting a session review after each game, so Mondays for Midgard and Wednesdays for Thracia. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Edit 10/10/2018: My group and I have decided to move the Caverns of Thracia campaign to Saturday. I will be doing the write-up for that campaign that day as well. 
